2 Jun 2024
Tuesday 6 August 2013 - 14:31
Story Code : 43396

US, EU ‘meddling’ in Egypt affairs

Both the supporters of Egypt’s ousted president Mohamed Morsi and the leaders of the military coup in the country believe that the United States and the European Union “have been meddling” in their country’s internal affairs, says Don DeBar, an anti-war activist and radio host.
“The US and the EU have been, in the media, portraying themselves as trying to help the Egyptian people find a peaceful solution to the political crisis that they face in the aftermath of the seizure of power by the military from the elected government of Mohamed Morsi,” said DeBar in a phone interview with Press TV on Monday.
“Even a military which receives the second-largest amount of military aid of any country in the world from the United States after Israel, that military which is clearly on the US payroll, they are pointing out to the US they are not being realistic because what the US is demanding of them and Morsi and had received for a good while from both is against the will of the Egyptian people,” said DeBar.
On Saturday, Egypt’s military chief, General Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, lashed out at the administration of US President Barack Obama, saying, “You left the Egyptians. You turned your back on the Egyptians.”

Sisi’s criticism comes as the White House has avoided referring to the ouster of Morsi as a coup since US law prohibits granting aid to a country whose democratic government has been toppled by the military.

The US gives $1.5 billion in aid to Egypt every year.

DeBar further explained that “the US has been forcing Egypt to not help the Palestinians”, on the one hand, “and forcing the Egyptian government to stand with the invaders in Syria”, on the other hand.

On Monday, Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham visited the Egyptian capital of Cairo to meet with General al-Sisi and interim President Adly Mansour.

Last week, Senator Graham indicated that the US would do anything to “keep Egypt on track as stable society” for the sake of Israel.

By Press TV


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