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Story Code : 237631

Israel was established based on oppression, deception and massacre

Khamenei.ir- On the anniversary of the 1917 Balfour Declaration, Khamenei.ir reviews excerpts from Ayatollah Khameneis speeches about the declaration and the foul establishment of Israel:

The Jews in Palestine were never interested in the establishment of a Jewish state

According to historical documents, the establishment of a Zionist State in Palestine was much more than a fantasy among Jewish people--it was an aspiration for the Colonialist British government. There is evidence that indicates, at the time of its launch, many Jews believed there was no need for the establishment of a State; it would not be to their benefit; hence, they strayed from the idea of a proposed Jewish State. Therefore, it was not a wish or dream among Jews, mostly it was a colonialist plot and a British idea. Of course, once the ball of global politics and arrogance was robbed from the British government, by the United States, these lands were included among an extensive list of what colonialism delivered to the U.S.; and Americans exploited these territories for their own benefit.

Statements made during Friday Prayer sermon;December 15, 2000.

Britain brought colonialist desires to reality via the establishment of Israel

What is the real story behind the establishment of Israel? The real story is that a cluster of Jews, who had some worldly influence, came up with the notion of establishing an independent country for Jews, exclusively. The British government used this idea to solve their own problems. Previously, they wanted to establish a Jewish state in Uganda, to create their own country. Then they thought of Tripoli, the capital of Libya, so they talked to the Italianswho controlled Tripoli at that time; however, the Italians rejected their proposal. Finally, it was the Britons who brokered a deal with the Zionist Jews. You see, the Britons had major plans to colonize the Middle East back then.

Consequently, they thought it would be a fruitful plan to have the Jews move to this region (Palestine). They would initially move to the Middle East as a minority, then develop gradually, then take control of a region there--a sensitive area, for Palestine is located in a sensitive regionestablish a regime and become Britains ally. This plan would prevent the Muslim worldparticularly the Arab worldfrom creating any solid form of unity in the region.

Statements made during Friday Sermon;December 31, 1999.

The Colonialists divided Islamic countries like spoils of war

The Sykes-Picot treaty was secretly signed between the winners of the war to divide the Islamic countries of the Middle East between themselves. The International community relayed the mandatory Palestine to the Britons, and they in turn promised the Zionist of assistance; through a calculated set of plans, they moved the Jews to Palestine and displaced the Muslims from their homes and lands.

Statements made during the inauguration ceremony of the International Conference in support of Palestine; April 24, 2001.

Israel was established based on oppression, deception and massacre since day one

Israel was established based on oppression and massacre, deception and dishonesty since day one. On that day a cluster of bullying and invading individualswith the support of the British governmentmoved to Palestine. They forced the residents of the region out of their homes and lands; today, their children and survivors--over a million people--continue to live in camps and in dire conditions.

Statements made during a public address at Imam Reza (pbuh) Shrine; March 23, 1996

The British stole Palestinian lands, little by little, renaming them as the Israeli State

In 1956 and 1974 they took control of more Palestinian lands and turned Palestine into the Israeli state! That is to say, it was a state established through coercion and oppression of Muslims and owners of the lands, particularly, with the direct help of the British. Then, once the Americans joined in, Palestine was relayed to them and other European countries, as well as the then Soviet Union.

Statements made during a meeting with several student groups from Tehran University; January 14, 1999.

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