3 Jun 2024
Sunday 10 January 2016 - 10:16
Story Code : 196096

Bowing to the King: What lies beneath US-Saudi friendship?

The King of Saudi Arabia is one of the richest people in the world, and one of the most influential political figures in the Middle East, according to American historian and journalist Eric Zuesse, adding that maybe that is why US President Obama usually bows so deeply to the Saudi King.

The House ofSaud is byfar the world's richest family and the largest buyers ofUS weapons; Washington has long been wooing the Saudi royalty, turning a blind eye toRiyadh's funding ofIslamist terrorists or the beheading ofinnocents and peaceful Muslim clerics.
"The King ofSaudi Arabia is byfar the world's richest person, witha net worth well overa trillion dollars; and, when his (Aramco's) 260 billion barrels ofoil reserves were valued at $100 per barrel, his net worth was over $15 trillion. The King has total control overthe world's largest (in terms ofdollar-value) company: Aramco," US historian and journalist Eric Zuesse notes inhis recent piece forStrategic Culture Foundation.

The House ofSaud is preaching the strictest sectarian form ofIslam Wahhabism (Salafism) the form also adopted byal-Qaeda and Daesh (Islamic State/ISIL). It is no secret that Riyadh is funding its co-religionists and encouraging them tofight againstShias and other "apostates." In this context, Washington's substantial arms deliveries tothe Gulf kingdom play directly intothe hands ofthe House ofSaud.

"It's a good business forthe owners ofUS 'defense' contractors If the Sauds weren't buying lots ofthat hardware, then some very wealthy Americans would be significantly less wealthy thanthey now are. It's mutually beneficial. (Though not beneficial forthe people those bombs and bullets are killing and maiming)," Zuesse adds.

The US-Saudi cooperation has evolved intoa close symbiosis. It is hardly surprising that Washington refused tocondemn the Saudi monarch forexecuting Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr. Furthermore, there are voices speaking indefense ofSaudi Arabia and slamming Iran.
"Saudi Arabia is our ally, despitethe fact that they don't always behave ina way that we condone I take the Iranian condemnation witha huge grain ofsalt This [in Iran] is a regime that tortures citizens routinely, that thinks nothing ofexecutions, that still holds four Americans injail," US Republican candidate Carly Fiorina said asquoted byZuesse.

What lies beneathWashington's "sympathy" forthe brutal Saudi regime? Photos show clearly that US President Obama bows deeply beforethe Saudi King.

"When the US President meets the Saudi King, it's not the US leader who has control overthe two holiest sites inthe world's second-largest and fastest-growing religion, Mecca and Medina. It's not the US President inwhose general direction more thana billion people aroundthe world ritually bow several times a day," the American journalist notes.

Washington needs Saudi Arabia asa loyal ally inthe Middle East and the White House's commitment tothe promotion ofdemocracy obviously pales intoinsignificance when compared withbusiness profits gained due tothe US-Saudi alliance.

By Sputnik
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