3 Jun 2024
Thursday 12 February 2015 - 22:58
Story Code : 150872

Netanyahu speech at US Congress political theater

[caption id="attachment_150873" align="alignright" width="197"]Benjamin Netanyahus speech at Congress over Irans nuclear power program is political theater." Benjamin Netanyahus speech at Congress over Irans nuclear power program is political theater."[/caption]
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus upcoming speech at the US Congress over Irans nuclear program is political theater, a political commentator in New York says.
Don DeBar, who is also an anti-war activist and radio show host, said US accusations about the threat of Irans nuclear energy program is political fiction.

The objective purpose of this fiction is to bring US power to bear on Iran to minimize its role as a regional player in favor of Israel, DeBar told Press TV on Wednesday.

Traditionally the Democratic Party and Republican Party have tried to outdo each other in terms of their almost subservience to Israel and members of the American right who hold strong pro-Israel views, DeBar said.

The Republican-controlled Congress is pushing for a new round of sanctions on Iran if the ongoing nuclear talks fail. Last month, US House Speaker John Boehner invited Netanyahu to come and speak about Iran sanctions legislation at the US Congress on March 3.

Iran and the P5+1 states -- the US, France, Britain, Russia, China and Germany -- are in talks to narrow their differences and pave the way for a final, long-term accord.

A number of Democratic lawmakers have said they will not attend Netanyahus speech and have urged Boehner to postpone it to a later time, saying the address threatens Irans nuclear talks.

Netanyahus well-funded Jewish conservative backers say they may use their funds to draw attention in the districts and states of any Democratic lawmaker who is not present at the US Capitol.

By Press TV
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