3 Jun 2024
Wednesday 14 June 2023 - 15:27
Story Code : 406613

New world order taking shape in favor of independent states: Raisi

New world order taking shape in favor of independent states: Raisi
Iran;s President Ebrahim Raisi says a new world order is being formed in favor of freedom-seeking, independent countries, stressing that resistance against the arrogant powers has led to significant achievements.

Raisi, who is on an official visit to Venezuela on the first leg of a three-nation trip to Latin America, made the remarks at a joint meeting of the high-ranking delegations of Iran and Venezuela on Monday afternoon local time. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was also present at the meeting.

The Iranian president said Tehran and Caracas have managed to improve strategic relations in recent years, but they should swiftly implement the previously signed agreements to upgrade ties to higher levels given diverse mutual capacities.

He added that Iran has capabilities in the field of exporting technical-engineering services and processing agricultural and mineral products.

The Iranian nation has gained valuable experience and achievements in the field of science and technology thanks to its resistance against the arrogant system and [success to] overcome the sanctions, Raisi said, expressing Tehrans readiness to share them with Venezuela.

Iran and Venezuela are determined to increase their trade volume to $10 billion in the medium term and further increase them to $20 dollars, he added.

Speaking at a joint press conference earlier in the day, the Iranian and Venezuelan presidents announced their decision to increase the volume of bilateral trade to $20 billion.

By Press TV
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