1 Jun 2024
Tuesday 22 September 2020 - 18:42
Story Code : 384070

US reasoning for return of Iran sanctions Funny: Lavrov

Tasnim - Washingtons reasoning behind bringing back the UN sanctions against Iran looks funny, as the majority of UN Security Council members 13 out of 15 do not support activating the snapback mechanism, the Russian foreign minister said.

The Council clearly stated that there is no legal position or moral reasons for anything close to the snapback and all the statements to the contrary are null and void, Sergey Lavrov said in an exclusive interview with the Al Arabiya news channel.

Earlier on Sunday, the three European signatories to the Iran deal Germany, France and the UK stated the return of the sanctions will have no legal effect whatsoever.

However, the Trump administration continues to insist Washington now has the authority to target any country breaching the re-imposed sanctions.

The Americans lost any talent in diplomacy, unfortunately; they used to have excellent experts, (but) now what theyre doing in foreign policy is to put a demand on the table, whether theyre discussing Iran or anything else, Lavrov said.

If their counterpart disagrees and refuses to toe the line, they put an ultimatum, they give a deadline and then they impose sanctions, then they make the sanctions extra-territorial. Regrettably, the European Union also is engaging in the same tricks more and more, he noted.

On Saturday, Washington moved to bring back sweeping UN sanctions against Tehran, insisting it was acting within its own right to do so as an original party to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the 2015 pact Iran sealed with major world powers. The US left the deal in 2018 following a decision by President Donald Trump.

I can only remind them that they should respect the hierarchy of the American administration, because their boss, President Trump, has personally signed an official decree withdrawing the United States from the JCPOA, Lavrov added sarcastically.

Sanctions aside, Washington is also busy trying to prevent the lifting of the UN arms embargo on Iran, set to expire on October 18. This endeavor doesnt make much sense either, the Russian minister commented. There is no such thing as an arms embargo against Iran, he clarified.

The UN Security Council reiterated the embargo will end on that date, and there would be no limitations whatsoever after the expiration of this timeframe.
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