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A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on September 29

1 Oct 2016 - 14:40

Newspapers on Thursday covered the remarks made by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei during the graduation ceremony of cadets in Tehran. The Leader underlined the need for constant enhancement of the country’s defensive power, and expressed optimism about the future of Iran.

Another top story today was the death of Shimon Peres, the former Prime Minister of Israel and a founding member of the Zionist regime. Many newspapers in Iran covered his death by calling him the ‘executioner of Qana’ (a camp in Lebanon).

The remarks made by President Hassan Rouhani in the massive gathering of people in Qazvin also received great coverage. President Rouhani highlighted the achievements of his government, particularly the country’s economic situation in spite of declining oil prices, and criticized the opponents for not appreciating the efforts.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) summit in Algiers was also a top story. Oil ministers in this meeting decided to freeze their oil output increase, but they accepted that Iran be exempted from the plan.

The above issues as well as many more are highlighted in the following headlines:



1- Mahmoud Abbas May Withdraw from Power

2- Ankara Has Arrested 32,000 for Alleged Links with Failed Coup


Abrar-e Eqtesadi:

1- Details of Iran-Germany Power Deal

2- Iran and Japan Start New Petchem Talks

3- Rise of Oil Price after Increased Possibility of a Deal between OPEC Members

4- Austria Increases Maximum Insurance for Exports to Iran to €1bn

5- Trade Exchanges between Iran and China Stand at $20bn

6- Germany to Outdo China in Trade Ties with Iran



1- Armed Forces Should Be Ready to Play Their Role under Any Circumstances: Leader

2- Iran May Play Host to FIFA World Cup 2038!


Aftab-e Yazd:

1- Unprecedented Meeting between Iranian and Saudi Ministers: Possibility of an Oil Deal between Tehran and Riyadh

2- Every Minute of Iran’s Parliamentary Sessions Costs $85,000

3- President Warmly Received by People in Qazvin: Rouhani until 2021!


Arman-e Emrooz:

1- Rouhani: There’s a Competition in the World for Cooperation with Iran

2- ISIS’ Plan for Explosion in Tehran Friday Prayers

3- We Sell Books instead of Illicit Drugs: A Report of Street Book Sellers in Tehran’s Enghelab Street

4- Wrong Censorship Prevents Media from Doing Their Job: Imam Khomeini’s Grandson



1- Iran’s Tomorrow Will Be Much More Brilliant than Its Today: Leader

2- We Should Constantly Add to Our Defensive Might and Military Preparedness: Leader

3- The ‘Republican’ Clinton or the ‘Democrat’ Trump? Which US Presidential Candidate Is More Dangerous to Iran?

4- Rouhani’s Vow for 5% Economic Growth by March 2017: I Promise!

5- German Dream: Can Germans Replace China in Economic Ties with Iran?



1- 10.9% Increase in House Deals

2- Iran and Saudi Arabia Need No Mediation in Oil Market



1- Rouhani to IRIB and Media: Why Don’t You Tell People the Truth?

2- Iran Once Again Says ‘No’: Oil Minister Emphasizes Iran’s Insistence on Refusal to Join Oil Freeze

3- Unofficial and Unexpected Meetings behind Closed Doors: Zarif Held 3-Hour Talks with His Turkish Counterpart



1- Leader: World Admits Iranian Nation’s Might, Intelligence, and Power

2- US Congress Rejects Obama’s Veto: Saudi Arabia to Be Prosecuted

3- Imam Khomeini’s Grandson: Freedom of Expression Prepares the Ground for a Perfect Society

4- Rouhani: Country Was Governed without Any Concerns Last Year

5- Shimon Peres, the Executioner of Qana, Dies in 93



1- US Police Once Again Opens Fire on African-Americans

2- Parliament’s Research Centre Warns of Increase in Unemployment Rate to 11m People by 2021



1- West’s Warmongering Policies in Islamic Countries Will Backfire: Deputy Judiciary Chief in Meeting with Oman’s Prosecutor-General

2- US JCPOA Commitments Left Unfinished: CBI Governor

3- Iran Prepared for Anti-Corruption Deal with Oman



1- Government’s Success Was Achieved Thanks to People’s Participation and Leader’s Guidance


Jame Jam:

1- Iran’s Real Wealth Is the Young and Efficient Believers It Has: Leader

2- We Should All Try Hard for Iran’s Economic Prosperity: Rouhani

3- Rumi’s World Is Wonderful: Music Maestro Shahram Nazeri



1- Syrian Army in Aleppo, Iraqi Popular Forces Ready to Liberate Mosul

2- IRGC Inaugurates 3,300 Projects in Six Provinces Aimed at Ending Deprivation


Jomhouri Eslami:

1- Production Line Opened in Russia for Iran’s Newly-Developed Medicine for MS Disease

2- Iran-Germany Trade Exchanges Increased to €10bn

3- World Is Looking for Interaction with Iran in Post-JCPOA Era: Rouhani

4- Syrian Army Enters Aleppo



1- Shimon Peres, the Executioner of Qana and Architect of Iran’s 2009 Sedition [Post-Election Protests] Goes to Hell

2- A Report on Promises that Faded Away; Rouhani: JCPOA Is the Shining Sun; Zarif: We Didn’t Give Any Promise about Sun and Moon!

3- Government Vows to Increase Economic Growth Rate to More than 5% by March 2017



1- Rouhani: In Hard Conditions, Iran Was Governed without Any Problem

2- Obama’s Veto Rejected: US Senate Approves Plan that Gives Right to 9/11 Victims to Sue Saudi Arabia

3- Saudi Arabia Backs Off, Iran Agrees: Saudi Arabia Recognizes Iran’s Exception to Oil Freeze Plan



1- Head of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation: How Is It that We Have the Capability to Counter ISIS, But We Don’t Have It for Smuggled Goods?

2- Self-Flagellation [Using a Machete] Is Enemy’s Plot to Show Superstitious Image of Shiism: Ayatollah Makarem Shiraz



1- Dichotomy of Hillary-Trump in Iranian Media: How Iranian Media Covered US Presidential Debate

2- One Step to Reopening of Canada’s Embassy in Tehran: Hoodfar’s Release Was a Sign of Improved Ties between Tehran and Ottawa

3- Conservative Faction after Ahmadinejad


Setareh Sobh:

1- Tomorrow, Iran Will Become Much Better and More Brilliant than Today: Ayatollah Khamenei

2- Ex-President Has Caused $3.4bn Damage to Iran



1- Apple’s App Store Opened to Iranian Users

2- 16,500 People Died in Car Accidents in Previous Persian Calendar Year [March 2015 to March 2016]

3- In Spite of Decrease in Oil Price, We Added 20% to Iran’s Foreign Exchange Reserves: Rouhani



1- Aref: Ahmadinejad and His Managers Should Be Held Accountable

2- Hard Decision of OPEC Members behind Closed Doors: 14 Members Discuss Reduction of Oil Output


Vaghaye Ettefaghieh:

1- We Won’t Freeze: Saudi Arabia Accepts that Iran Is Exempted from Oil Freeze Plan

2- Parliament Didn’t Accept Municipality’s Gift: Criticism of Tehran Municipality’s $140 Gift Cards to Parliament

3- IRGC General Rezaei’s Account of ISIS’ Plan to Explode Tehran Friday Prayers

4- Verdict for Kiarostami’s Case Issued: Only 1 Year Banned from Medical Career

5- Here Is Sardasht, the Crossroad of Hiroshima and Halabja: A Report of a City Whose Lungs Are Full of Chemicals


Vatan-e Emrooz:

1- Why Don’t You Appreciate the Blessings?! Rouhani’s Latest Criticism in Defence of the Way Country Is Governed: In Past Year, Inflation Rate Decreased and Economic Growth Rate Increased

2- Legal Follow-Up of Mina Tragedy Case Still in Consultation Phase; Deputy Foreign Minister

3- 950 Public Schools Sold to Private Sector

4- Death of Shimon Peres, the Last Founding Member of Zionist Regime

By Iran Front Page

Story Code: 233411

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The Iran Project