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Iran English language newspaper headlines on Saturday, 09-04-2016

9 Apr 2016 - 14:02

Iran Daily
Rouhani: JCPOA good opportunity for interaction with world
The nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 – also known as JCPOA – has provided a good opportunity for national unity inside Iran and interaction with the world, the Iranian president said in a televised speech marking the country’s National Nuclear Technology Day.

China: G20 summit should be about economics, not politics
The G20 summit to be hosted by China this year should be about economics and not political issues like territorial disputes, China’s foreign minister said on Friday, firing a warning shot ahead of the country’s biggest diplomatic event of the year.

Iraqi forces push Daesh terrorists from western town of Hit
Iraq’s counter-terrorism forces reached the center of the western town of Hit, dislodging Daesh terrorists and evacuating thousands of civilians, state television said on Friday.

Greece expels more migrants to Turkey
Greece deported a second batch of more than a hundred migrants to Turkey on Friday under a controversial deal to stem mass migration.

Iran’s exports to US increase by six times
Iran’s exports to the United States increased six times over a period of 11 months starting March 2015.

Kerry to Iran: Help us end wars in Yemen, Syria
US Secretary of State John Kerry asked Iran to help end the bloody conflicts in Syria and Yemen.

Iran hopes for lasting peace in Karabakh
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif expressed hope that the cease-fire agreed recently between Azerbaijan and Armenia would last to help end clashes in the disputed region of Karabakh.

AEOI: Arak’s new reactor meets latest int’l standards
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Chief Ali Akbar Salehi said the new heavy water research reactor near the central city of Arak has been built in accordance with the latest international standards.

Russia backs Iran full SCO membership
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov voiced Moscow’s support for Iran’s permanent membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Tehran Times

AzerbaijanArmenia dispute should be resolved peacefully: Zarif
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Thursday that the dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region should be resolved “peacefully”.

Iran unveils new nuclear advances
President Hassan Rouhani unveiled on Thursday new advances in nuclear technology to mark National Nuclear Technology Day, Tasnim news agency reported.

Madrid center reviews book on Persian mystic Abu Sa‘id ibn Abul-Khayr
A Spanish version of “Secrets of God’s Mystical Oneness” (“Asrar al-Tawhid”), a biography of Persian mystic and poet Abu Sa‘id ibn AbulKhayr (967-1049 CE) by Muhammad ibn Munavvar, was discussed during a session at the Madrid branch of Casa Asia on Thursday.

Gov. is firm to end monopoly in auto industry: MP
MP Kamaladdin Pirmoazen has said the Rouhani government is determined to put an end to “monopoly” in manufacturing of “expensive” and yet “low quality” vehicles by paving the way for the entry of international and private automakers in the industry.

Unity among state bodies is key to success of resistance economy, official says
Securing unity among officials to implement resistance economy’s policies is more important than ever to resolve economic problems and to be prepared for regional and international pressure, Interior Ministry spokesman Hossein-Ali Amiri has said.

EU delegation to head to Iran for energy talks
The European Union Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Canete will visit Iran on April 15 and 16 to discuss developments in the energy sector with Iranian officials, Interfax reported on Friday.

Tehran, Ankara intent on developing banking, tourism ties
Iran is determined to develop ties with Turkey in banking and tourism sectors, said Iranian Communications and Information Technology Minister Mahmoud Vaezi in his meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Thursday.

Rouhani says moderation key to progress, warns of extremism
President Hassan Rouhani said moderation is the basis of progress, naming Iran “a nation of moderation,” IRNA news agency reported on Thursday.

We expect good news on Iran-Russia relations: envoy
Iran’s ambassador to Russia, Mehdi Sanai, said on Thursday that there will be good news on relations between Tehran and Moscow.

Azerbaijan, Iran may ease visa regime soon
Azerbaijan and Iran may simplify the visa regime soon, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said on April 7. He made the remarks during the press conference following the trilateral meeting with Russian and Iranian foreign ministers.

Kazakh president to visit Iran on Monday
Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev is scheduled to visit Iran on April 11.

Kerry calls on Iran to help end wars in Yemen, Syria
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has asked Iran to help end the bloody conflicts in Syria and Yemen, while urging Tehran to make peace with its Arab neighbors. At a press conference in Bahrain on Thursday, Kerry urged Tehran to “help us end the war in Yemen... help us end the war in Syria, not intensify, and help us to be able to change the dynamics of this region,” RT reported.

U.S. violating spirit of Iran nuclear deal: Iranian academic
Press TV has conducted an interview with Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the Tehran University, and Daniel Serwer, a professor at the Johns Hopkins University, to discuss the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries, including the U.S.

Story Code: 208595

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