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Iranian naval fleet conveys message of peace

23 Apr 2014 - 11:22

Nasim– Iranian 29th naval fleet of war vessels that carrys Islamic Republic’s message of peace docked at the Omani port of Muscat, meanwhile the Navy’s 30th fleet is on its way to  patrol the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the north of Indian Ocean, to protect Iranian commercial vessels and oil tankers in case of possible pirate attacks
“Following 90 days of sailing in the waters of the Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, the Iranian Navy’s 29th fleet berthed at Oman’s port of Muscat today,” said Iranian Navy’s Deputy Commander for Operations Admiral Siavash Jareh on Monday.

According to Jareh, the objective of the 29th fleet’s naval journey is to convey the Islamic Republic’s message of peace and friendship to the neighboring country and to train students.

The Iranian commander further announced that the 30th fleet of the Iranian Navy comprised of Alvand destroyer and Bushehr logistical vessel has been dispatched to the high seas in line with the country’s policy to safeguard naval routes for its vessels.

By Nasim Online


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Story Code: 93527

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