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UK accused of arming Somali pirates

6 Jan 2014 - 12:08

TEHRAN, Jan. 6 (MNA) – According to Russian Today a report on the UK’s weapons exports has triggered accusations that Britain may be arming Somali pirates and dictatorial regimes.
MPs allege this is due to the sheer volume of guns being exported and poor oversight.

An urgent review has been launched over why some 44,000 guns were exported to East Africa in just 15 months.

Government data shows that among the weapons were 30,000 assault rifles, 2,536 pistols and 11,000 rifles which ended up in countries with poor human rights records like Somalia, Egypt and Sri Lanka.

"The evidence provided to us by Mr Bell seems to suggest that the department did not have a process of looking at the cumulative number of weapons and whether those exports fitted the scenario on the ground needed for protection."

By Mehr News Agency


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Story Code: 75744

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