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Nuclear talks must seek win-win solution: Zarif

15 Oct 2013 - 22:45

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the fresh round of talks between Tehran and the six major world powers should pursue a win-win solution to Iran’s nuclear issue.
In an interview with NBC News on Monday, the top Iranian diplomat said the right approach to adopt in the nuclear talks over Iran’s nuclear energy program is “to understand that in today’s international environment, there can’t be no winners and losers. We either lose together or win together.”

Today, no parties can enjoy security and prosperity while others are grappling with insecurity and poverty, said the Iranian foreign minister.

He made the comments ahead of the new round of two-day talks between Iran and the six world powers - Russia, China, France, Britain, and the US plus Germany - over Tehran’s nuclear energy program in Geneva. The negotiations are scheduled to continue on Wednesday.
“We should not shoot for concessions, either getting concessions or giving concessions; we should aim for finding solutions” to Iran's nuclear issue, Zarif said.
Reacting to a question on how to deal with the so-called "mistrust" over Iran's nuclear energy program, Zarif said, “You always have to take the first step. And probably the first step is the most difficult step, but it takes courage and hopefully leadership to take that step and once you’ve taken it the road is not that difficult.”

Zarif presented the country’s new package of proposals titled “Closing an Unnecessary Crisis and Opening New Horizons” in the Tuesday morning session of the two-day talks.

Iran’s top negotiator, Abbas Araqchi, also said on Tuesday that the main goal of Geneva talks is the recognition of Iran’s enrichment right and allaying concerns over its nuclear energy program, which the US, Israel and some of their allies claim to include a non-civilian component.

Iran categorically rejects the allegation, maintaining that as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

By Press TV


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Story Code: 57731

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