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Iran embassy blasts Netanyahu's map showing Palestine as part of Israel

Press TV , 5 Sep 2024 - 18:40

Reporter : Editorial of The Iran Project

The Iranian Embassy in London has strongly denounced Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu over using a map that erased the occupied West Bank in an address to the media, questioning where a future independent Palestinian state should be created.

According to The Iran Project, in a post published on the social media platform X on Thursday afternoon, the diplomatic mission also criticized those who deceitfully continue to voice support for the so-called two-state solution to the decades-long conflict.

“In the map Netanyahu presented to foreign media reporters, the West Bank is completely missing (have erased). Yet, many hypocritically continue to express support for a two-state solution. A Palestinian government — on what land?” the post read.

In his first public address since Sunday’s mass protests that saw hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers urging a deal with Hamas for the release of captives being held in the Gaza Strip, Netanyahu stood in front of a wall-sized digital map that obliterated the West Bank.

Speaking about the importance of the Philadelphi Corridor between Gaza and Egypt during the address on Monday, the Israeli premier used a map that showed the entirety of the West Bank and occupied East al-Quds as being annexed to the 1948 Israeli-occupied territories and only had the Gaza Strip outlined.

Palestinians decried the move as an explicit annexation of the occupied territory by Tel Aviv.

Story Code: 427604

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