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Iran dismisses IAEA’s concerns on undeclared locations

Mehr News , 11 Dec 2023 - 17:55

Reporter : Editorial of The Iran Project

Refuting the claims fabricated by the Zionist regime and the MKO terrorists about the so-called undeclared locations in Iran, the AEOI chief said the files on two of those four sites have been closed.

According to The Iran Project,In an address at a university in Tehran on Monday, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami said the case of the so-called undeclared locations, where the International Atomic Energy Agency suspected that Iran’s nuclear activities may have had possible military dimensions (PMDs), has already been dismissed.

The undeclared locations in Iran were nothing but a story fabricated by the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) and the Zionist regime’s spy service, he added.

Eslami said the file on two of the four alleged undeclared locations was closed in March and the IAEA affirmed that it has no more questions about them.

The disputed location in Marivan and another site in Abadeh were nothing but desolate mines, he stated, saying another place defined as an undeclared location was used for the sale of scrap iron.

He highlighted Iran’s close cooperation with the UN nuclear agency, stressing that all of the nuclear activities in the country are in conformity with the IAEA regulations, the NPT, and the Safeguards Agreement.

Story Code: 408559

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