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Iranian president welcomes invitation to Saudi Arabia: Spox

4 Apr 2023 - 16:03

The spokesperson for the Iranian administration said President Ebrahim Raisi has welcomed an invitation from Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to visit the kingdom.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference on Tuesday, Ali Bahadori said Raisi has welcomed the invitation extended by the Saudi king to visit Riyadh.

King Salman has been reciprocally invited to visit Iran, he added.

The spokesman said the Iranian and Saudi foreign ministers are going to hold a meeting, reiterating the Islamic Republic’s policy of promotion of relations with neighbors.

On Monday, Iran's First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber said Raisi has accepted the invitation from Saudi Arabia’s king.

Referring to Iran's relations with Saudi Arabia and other littoral states of the Persian Gulf, Mokhber said, "Mr. Raisi's main strategies since the first day after he was elected president have been based on promoting relations with regional countries."

Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed on March 10 to restore their diplomatic relations which have been severed for seven years.

According to the agreement, mediated by China, Iran and Saudi Arabia will reopen their embassies soon.

By Tasnim

Story Code: 405284

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