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US, Europe turned Iran deal into ‘empty shell’ for Tehran, says top security official

16 Feb 2022 - 13:47

Iran’s top security official has said that the United States and its European allies have failed to live up to their commitments under the 2015 Iran deal and left the deal an empty promise for Iran.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said the agreement, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), has become an “empty shell” for Iran given its inability to keep sanctions away from the country.

“The US and Europe have failed the test of fulfilling their commitments in the JCPOA. Now, the JCPOA has turned into an empty shell for Iran in the economic and sanctions removal areas.” Shamkhani said.

He added that Iran will not engage in any negotiations with “oath-breaker America” and “idle Europe.”

Washington left the JCPOA in 2018 and began to implement what it called the “maximum pressure” campaign of sanctions against the Islamic Republic, depriving the country of the economic benefits of the accord, including the removal of sanctions, for which Iran had agreed to certain caps on its nuclear activities.

In the meantime, the other parties to the deal, in particular France, Britain and Germany, only paid lip service to safeguarding Iran’s economic dividends as promised under the JCPOA, prompting Iran – after an entire year of “strategic patience” – to reduce its nuclear obligations in a legal move under the deal.

The Vienna talks began last April on the assumption that the US, under the Biden administration, is willing to repeal the Trump administration’s so-called maximum pressure policy.

Iran urges US Congress assertion of commitment to new deal

Iran has called for a “political statement” by the US Congress to affirm its commitment to a possible agreement in Vienna on reviving the 2015 Iran deal that was ditched by Washington almost four years ago.

In an interview with the Financial Times published on Wednesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said Washington has failed to address Iran’s demands for guarantees that no party is able to exit the deal again.

Amir-Abdollahian said he had told Iran’s negotiators to propose to Western parties that “at least their parliaments or parliament speakers, including the US Congress, can declare in the form of a political statement their commitment to the agreement and return to the JCPOA implementation.”

He said: “As a matter of principle, public opinion in Iran cannot accept as a guarantee the words of a head of state, let alone the United States, due to the withdrawal of Americans from the JCPOA.”

In recent weeks, the US and the European trio have warned that time is running out to save the JCPOA. Tehran has dismissed the warnings as part of a pressure campaign, but it has voiced readiness to immediately reach an agreement in Vienna provided that there exists the necessary political determination on the other side.

Amir-Abdollahian reiterated that Iran welcomes a “good deal” in the shortest time if it upholds the rights of the Iranian people, noting that Tehran remains generally optimistic.

Iran’s commitments as clear as ‘mathematical formula’

Amir-Abdollahian also said that Iran’s commitments with regard to the JCPOA are “as clear as a mathematical formula.”

“It is absolutely clear what we are supposed to do and how these measures will be verified through the IAEA [the UN nuclear watchdog]. Therefore the other side can have no concern; But we remain concerned primarily about the guarantees [that the US would not withdraw],” he said.

He strongly criticized Washington’s position toward the talks, saying, “We are facing problems during this period because the other party lacks a serious initiative.”

The chief Iranian diplomat said Iran wanted the Vienna talks to lead to the “total lifting” of sanctions, but the Biden administration was only willing to remove the economic sanctions authorized by Trump.

“This is not all we are looking for. That Trump unilaterally and unjustly imposed sanctions on real and legal entities in Iran under some allegations as Iran’s missile program, regional issues or human rights is not acceptable,” Amir-Abdollahian said. “This is also one of the challenges remining on the negotiating table in Vienna.”

No direct talks with Washington

He confirmed that US officials had sent “many messages” to have direct talks with Iran.

“We are not ready to enter into the process of direct talks with the US if we do not have a clear and promising outlook to reach a good agreement with sustainable guarantees in front of us,” he stated.

According to the foreign minister, Tehran had indicated to the US that if Washington’s “intentions are genuine, you should take some practical and tangible steps on the ground before any direct talks and contacts can take place”.

This could include unfreezing billions of dollars of Iranian assets frozen in foreign central banks because of the sanctions or a presidential executive order to lift some of the sanctions, he added.




Story Code: 393703

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