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US politicking dealt biggest blow to principle of human rights: Spox

24 Sep 2020 - 15:42

Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Wednesday that the US and certain European states' politicking and selective approach have always dealt biggest blow to the principle of human rights.

Dismissing the recent reports by Guardian, he said that the objective behind such ordered reports for misportraying�human rights in Iran is crystal clear.

Describing the statements and acts of certain European states as interference in Iran's internal affairs, he added that relevant authorities and centers have so far adopted necessary response in this regard and will do so hereafter.

"It is very strange and unbelievable for us that these same countries have not only not reacted to the gross violation of Iranian people's rights by the US regime inhumane policy and its cruel sanctions, but also fueled it by their inaction and engaged in it.

Source: IRNA

Story Code: 384142

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