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Iran ready to transfer anti-coronavirus knowledge to Iraq

9 Mar 2020 - 14:51

MNA – In a meeting with Iraqi Minister of Health Jaafar Sadiq Allawi, Iranian security official Ali Shamkhani voiced his country's readiness for transferring anti-coronavirus knowledge to Iraq.

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Rear Admiral Shamkhani and Allawi discussed bilateral cooperation on fight against the virus in their meeting in Baghdad.

Yesterday, the Regional Emergency Director for the World Health Organization (WHO) Richard Brennan called on countries in the region to use fruitful experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the fight against the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

Other countries in the region can use Iran’s experiences to combat coronavirus since the country has taken constructive preventive measures in this regard, said Brennan on Saturday.

Story Code: 371919

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