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Iran delegation in Norway censures EU�s passivity to JCPOA violations

29 May 2019 - 13:05

MNA � Chairman of Parliament�s national security commission heading a delegation to Norway said Europe�s passive and indifferent response to nuclear deal violations would leave the continent open to more threats.

An Iranian parliamentary delegation held talks with their Norwegian counterparts on expansion of bilateral relations and regional and international issues on Tuesday in Oslo.

Iranian Ambassador to Norway, Mohammad Hassan Habibzadeh, told reporters that the head of the Iranian delegation, chairman of Parliament�s national security commission, Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, conferred on combating terrorism, and reminded the Norwegian side of the US� role in the creation and support of the ISIL terrorist group in the Middle East region.

The Iranian senior MP also described the US� unilateral withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal as Washington�s disrespect for international rules and regulations, and thanked Norway for its support to the JCPOA and its objection to the imposition of unilateral sanctions on Iran.

Falahatpisheh then criticized Europeans� passive and indifferent response to the US� violations of the JCPOA, saying the behavior would make Europe all the more vulnerable against threats of terrorism, as well as human and narcotics trafficking.

The Norwegian side in the meeting said Norwegian companies are eager to have a stronger presence in Iran, particularly in fisheries and renewable energies sectors.

Story Code: 350487

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