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UNICEF says Initial supplies on way to Iran to help flood victims

4 Apr 2019 - 11:18

MNA � The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) said on Wednesday that initial supplies to help rescue operations to Iran�s flood victims are on the way.

The UNICEF office in Tehran, in a tweeter message, announced that �Initial supplies from UNICEF are already on their way to Iran to help the Ministry of Health ensure immunization and young child nutrition services are quickly re-established in several flood-affected provinces.�

In a separate message, the international body said UNICEF along with several other UN agencies �are assessing other areas of need including health, education, water, sanitation, hygiene, and protection.�

Over 70 people have died and hundreds more injured and displaced in unprecedented floods that affected large parts of Iran over the past two weeks.

Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has ordered Armed Forces to join the national relief campaign. President Hassan Rouhani also called back his cabinet from New Year holidays to speed up the rescue operations.

Many people, in forms of voluntary groups as well as non-governmental organizations, have been participating in the efforts to ensure a speedy recovery in areas that incurred the most damage.

Story Code: 343766

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