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IRGC commander vows revenge against terrorists behind attack on border post

6 Aug 2018 - 15:56

Tasnim – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour said his forces will take a “crushing” revenge on those behind a recent deadly terrorist attack on a border post in the western province of Kurdistan.

“Our response to the terrorists will be crushing. Its timing is not certain, but our revenge will be crushing,” Brigadier General Pakpour told reporters on the sidelines of a memorial service held on Monday for the martyrs of the terrorist attack in the village of Dari in Marivan District, Kurdistan Province.

The commander further said that Iran’s enemies have deployed their terrorist stooges to all borders of the country, adding, “However, we have a powerful presence on the scene and they can do nothing.”

He went on to say that last year, a 21-member group of Daesh terrorists were smashed and that clashes with the terrorists occur almost every week in the southeastern parts of the country.

On July 20, anti-revolutionary terrorists attacked a border post of the IRGC Ground Force’s Hamzeh Seyed al-Shohada Base in Iran’s western province of Kurdistan, killing 11 forces of the base.

In the clash with the terrorists, a number of terrorists were killed and a number of others suffered injuries and escaped the scene, according to an IRGC statement.

The IRGC emphasized that “a deadly and crushing revenge” awaits the terrorist and anti-revolutionary groups and their supporters for committing this crime.

The IRGC is tasked with protecting the country’s northwestern and southeastern borders.

Story Code: 314804

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