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Iran, Russia, Syria hold tripartite talks in Moscow

14 Apr 2017 - 16:53

Tasnim – Diplomatic delegations from Iran, Russia, and Syria convened in Moscow on Friday for talks on a recent military strike the US launched against Syria in the wake of a chemical attack in the town of Khan Shaykhun.

The Moscow meeting brought together Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Russia’s Sergei Lavrov, and Syria’s Walid al-Muallem to coordinate policies between the three allies following the US missile attack on a Syrian military site near Homs.

Deploring Washington’s unilateral action against Syria, the three ministers stressed the need for the formation of a fact-finding committee to probe into the chemical attack that the US blames on Damascus.

Last Friday, the US warships fired Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian government’s Shayrat Airfield near Homs under the pretext that Damascus had launched a chemical attack on the town of Khan Shaykhun in Idlib.

Syria has been gripped by civil war since March 2011 with various terrorist groups, including Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL), controlling parts of it.

Meanwhile, Iran and Russia have formed an alliance in the fight against terrorists, with both supporting the Damascus government against foreign-backed militancy.

Story Code: 257121

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