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Iran, Moldova must use capacities to boost all-out ties: Rouhani

12 Feb 2017 - 21:32

Press TV- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says Iran was among the first countries to recognize Moldova’s independence, stressing the importance of using the two states' potentialities to improve relations in all fields.

“We should make use of all opportunities and capacities to expand all-out Tehran-Chisinau ties,” Rouhani said in a meeting with Moldova's President Igor Dodon in Tehran on Sunday.

He added that the two countries had the potential to strengthen their cooperation in tourism, agriculture, transportation and transit.

The South-North Corridor, which stretches from the Indian Ocean to Russia, China, Central Asia and East Europe, would create a very good transit route which can reach Moldova through the Iranian railroad, he said.
The Iranian president underlined the significance of improving cooperation in the energy sector, saying, “The Islamic Republic of Iran, with its high capability in producing oil, gas and condensate, can meet an important part of Moldova’s needs in this field.”
Rouhani also urged the two countries to boost banking cooperation in an attempt to speed up the development of trade and economic ties.

He said favorable grounds have been prepared for the expansion of Iran’s ties with world countries after the implementation of the 2015 landmark nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), signed between the Islamic Republic and the P5+1 group of countries.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="555"] Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (R) shakes hands with his Moldovan counterpart, Igor Dodon, in Tehran on February 12, 2017. (Photo by IRNA)[/caption]

Iran and Moldova must use this chance to introduce to their investors and tradespeople the capacities and potentialities in both countries, he noted.

Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council -- the United States, France, Britain, Russia and China -- plus Germany started implementing the JCPOA on January 16, 2016.

Under the agreement, Iran accepted to put limitations on its nuclear program in exchange for the removal of nuclear-related sanctions imposed against Tehran.

‘Tehran, Chisinau must boost economic ties, investment’

The Moldovan president, for his part, said Tehran and Chisinau must use their great capacities to increase bilateral economic and trade relations and investment.

He also invited his Iranian counterpart to pay an official visit to Moldova.

Dodon, who is in Tehran on an official visit, also held talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif earlier in the day.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="555"] Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (R) shakes hands with Moldova's President Igor Dodon in Tehran on February 12, 2017. (Photo by mfa.gov.ir)[/caption]

During the meeting, the two sides discussed ways of developing cooperation in the fields of energy, transportation, banking, and agriculture as well as visa waiver.

Dodon and Zarif also exchanged views about the latest regional and international developments.

Story Code: 250854

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