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Araghchi: Syrians’ massacre result of spread of Wahhabism

20 Oct 2016 - 16:34

TEHRAN, Oct. 20 (MNA) – Iran’s Deputy FM Araghchi addressed the 43rd session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC held on Wednesday in Tashkent and discussed the ME’s security problems.

 “It is obvious that the massacre of Syrian women, children and innocent civilians and the massive bloodshed is because of ISIL, al-Nusra Front, and the advocates of them,” reiterated Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Seyed Abbas Araghchi blaming the crimes in Syria and Yemen on Wahhabism and Takfirism.

The Iranian diplomat made the remark on Wednesday in Uzbekistan’s capital city of Tashkent addressing the 43rd session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). He headed the Iranian political delegation to the event after Foreign Minister Zarif could not make changes in his preset programs to attend the session.

Touching upon the spreading trend of extremism and terrorism in the Middle East and the North Africa, Araghchi described the issue as a serious threat to the Islamic World and called upon all Islamic states to encounter the phenomenon seriously.

“All the sorrows and sufferings imposed on Syrians are result of the spread of Wahhabi and Takfiri ideologies,” asserted the Iranian deputy foreign minister., “the ISIL, al-Nusra Front, and the advocates of them are to be blamed for all these massacres and bloodshed and the support for these terrorist groups should be immediately stopped.”

“The continuation of the 18 month calamitous situation of Yemenis under the attacks which infringe international regulations and principles should be halted,” demanded Mr. Araghchi, “attack and aggression to Yemen has fruited to nothing rather than empowerment of terrorist groups and exacerbation of the crisis in the impoverished country.”

He maintained firmly that the Islamic Republic of Iran holds categorically that the crisis in Yemen has no military solution and it can only be solved via Yemeni-Yemeni talks.

“Dislocation of more than 5 million Palestinians, continuation of Israeli settlements programs, racial discrimination of the regime, and occupation of the West Bank are the catastrophic consequences of occupation of Palestine and just worsen the security condition in the Middle East,” said the Iranian diplomat referring to the crisis in the occupied Palestine.

He articulated that the Palestinian crisis has no solution except letting the dislocated Palestinians to return to their mother land and establish an independent government of Palestine with Jerusalem as the capital.

Then the diplomat referred to KSA’s demand for condemning JASTA which allows bereaved families sue Saudi government for 9/11 attacks and stressed that the event shows that the US is not a trustworthy partner and holds no respect even for its closest allies.

By Mehr News Agency

Story Code: 235755

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