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MP objects to US senator’s secret Iran trip

18 Sep 2016 - 16:01

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian lawmaker expressed his disapproval of a recent “secret visit” to Iran by a Democratic member of the Utah State Senate, saying the intelligence minister will be asked for an explanation for such a trip that is part of a Western plot for making inroads into Iran.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency on Sunday, Mohammad Javad Karimi Qoddousi, member of the Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign policy commission, said he will definitely question Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alawi about Jim Dabakis’ trip to Iran.

Describing the US senator’s visit as part of a major Western project to infiltrate into the country, the lawmaker said investigations suggest that Westerners are attempting to make inroads into Iran by making contact with the Science Ministry and Health Ministry.

Qoddousi urged the country’s intelligence officials to be aware of hostile plans for infiltration through the two ministries.

On Saturday, KUTV, a local new agency in Salt Lake City, Utah, reported that Dabakis has returned from a summer trip to Iran.

It also quoted the state senator as saying that people of Iran are ready to mend relations with the US even if their government is not.

By Tasnim News Agency

Story Code: 231639

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