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Iran can be EU’s economic gateway to region: President

9 Nov 2015 - 16:13

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani highlighted the significant role that Iran can play in linking European countries, including Belgium, to the Middle East’s market.

“Given its very significant geopolitical and geo-economic position, the Islamic Republic of Iran can be a hub for regulating and expanding the economic relations of Belgium and the European Union with the whole region,” President Rouhani said in a meeting in Tehran with Belgium’s deputy prime minister and minister of foreign and European affairs, Didier Reynders, on Monday.

Rouhani noted that seizing such an opportunity will benefit both the Iranian and Belgian nations.

The president also called for efforts to give a fresh impetus to Tehran-Brussels relations in economy, investment, industry, energy and tourism, as well as scientific and academic cooperation.

He further expressed Iran’s preparedness to pave the way for closer cooperation between the two countries’ private sectors.

For his part, Reynders hoped for a rapid increase in the bilateral relations following the termination of anti-Iran sanctions under a final nuclear deal between Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany).

The visiting diplomat also voiced Belgium’s readiness to cooperate with Iran in the employment of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, particularly in nuclear medicine for diagnosing and treating cancer.

He said major Belgian companies in the fields of petrochemical industry, textile, food industry and port equipment, are keen to invest in Iran.

Reynders’ visit comes against the backdrop of a new wave of renewed interest in ties with Iran after Tehran and the six powers on July 14 reached a conclusion over the text of a comprehensive 159-page deal on Tehran's nuclear program.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) will terminate all nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran after coming into force.

Experts believe that Iran’s economic growth would rise remarkably after the agreement takes effect.

By Tasnim News Agency

Story Code: 187984

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