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Iran, Australia say nuke deal is blueprint

12 Oct 2015 - 10:44

In another part of his speech, Rouhani said Iran offered stability in a region that had witnessed wars, revolutions and natural disaster. Once Iran is certified to have taken a number of steps to shut down a few of its nuclear programs – likely not until next spring – sanctions will be lifted.

He recognised the role of the USA, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Germany, and China, as well as Iran, in achieving the agreement. “It’s unbelievable. The Iranian government is no different than the government that held Americans hostage in the 1970s”.

“Yes, those who have ill will toward US exist…. there have been bitter events in the past…. but the meaning of those chants is not animosity toward the people of the United States…the people of Iran are angry about the policies of the U.S.in the Middle East“.

However, he is not scheduled to meet US President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the UN.

The Iran nuclear deal will help improve regional and global cooperation including on environmental sustainability, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told the Sustainable Development Summit here Saturday.

“We’ve had a few conversations but we’ll wait and see where we are”, he said. Through an interpreter, Rouhani argued that, where Syria is concerned, the most important issue for everyone is destroying ISIS.

As to whether he might shake hands with Obama if they crossed paths at the United Nations, Rouhani said there should “be less focus on a handshake and more on finding solutions and policies….” What is clear, however, is that the group will not toil on silently, and that the Iranian clerics will have to face at least one vocal, powerful opposition group, even if said clerics allow a supposed “moderate” to hold the office of President.

“If not for the US military invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and its unwarranted support for the inhumane actions of the Zionist regime against the oppressed nation of Palestine, today the terrorists would not have an excuse for the justification of their crimes”, he said. While Congressional Republicans have said Iran cannot be trusted to abide by the terms of an agreement, a few Iranians have criticized the agreement as bowing to American pressure.

ROUHANI: (Through interpreter) I will always choose a middle-of-the-road path between these two camps that you’ve described because my opinion has and is that we can use both reformists and those who are conservatives as you’ve described. “But my position was that we did not accept any limitations that would impact, negatively impact, the defensive capabilities of our nation”.

“This opportunity can be seized in order to look to the future and avoid focusing on the past and rebuild our relationships”, Rouhani said Monday.

By I Free Press

Story Code: 184152

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