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Gov’t boasts condensate export growth

17 Jun 2015 - 15:07

TEHRAN June 17(Shana)--The government spokesman has said that Iran’s gas condensate exports increased 11.5% last calendar year from the preceding year.

Mohammad-Baqer Nobakht said Iran exported 466,000 b/d of condensate in the last calendar year which ended on March 20.

He also said that Iran’s average gas exports reached 26.6 mcm/d in the last calendar year, up 1.2 mcm/d from a year ago.

Nobakht said Iran’s liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) production rose from 1.034 to 1.092 ml/d, kerosene from 12.14 ml/d to 12.82 ml/d, gasoil from 93.8 ml/d to 97.7 ml/d and fuel oil from 17.45 ml/d to 36.34 ml/d last year from the year before.


Story Code: 168190

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