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Qatar's foreign minister: Iran has 'crucial role' in Syria

23 Jan 2014 - 14:28

MONTREUX, Switzerland���Qatari Foreign Minister Khalid bin Mohammad Al-Attiyah said today that �Iran can play a vital role� in Syria.
"The only thing which made the organizer of this conference�withdraw the Iranian invitation�is because [the government of Iran] didn�t announce that they acknowledge Geneva I. But still, I think Iran has a crucial role in solving this issue,"�Attiyah said in an exclusive interview with�Al-Monitor�at the Jan. 22�opening session of the high-level segment of the United Nations peace conference on Syria.

Attiyah, a former fighter pilot in the Qatar Air Force, advocated an �inclusive� approach to dealing with Iran, despite differences over Syria, but added,��I don�t blame Saudi Arabia for their worrying� about Iran.

Attiyah made a strong case for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) unity, including in the field of security.��You cannot divide the GCC on the security issue,� Attiyah said.

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