Islamabad, Dec 25, IRNA � Pakistani analyst on Wednesday urged the United Nations (UN) to implement World Against Violence and Extremism (WAVE) act in letter and spirit.
Talking to IRNA Saqib Akbar said that the approval of a resolution by United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) based on President Hassan Rouhani�s proposals shows that Iran is a major country of the world.
He however stressed the need for restructuring of the UN adding that the power should be given to UNGA instead of UNSC.
He added that members of United Nations Security Council have monopoly over the decision making process of the UN which is unfair. �US and its allies use UN for their own purposes,� said the analyst.
Saqib Akbar strongly believed that the UN resolutions must be implemented in letter and spirit.
On December 18, President Rouhani�s World Against Violence and Extremism (WAVE) proposal was ratified at the UN General Assembly with 190 positive votes.
The WAVE Act calls on all nations across the globe to denounce violence and extremism.
The Iranian President made the proposal in an address to the UN Disarmament Conference in New York on September 25.
Saqib Akbar expressing his views said Iran is a major player in world politics and crisis in Syria cannot be resolved without taking Iran onboard. He viewed that Iran must be invited to participate in the upcoming Geneva II conference on Syria.
He added that diplomatic solution is the only way out of the Syrian crisis.
On Saturday, Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi stressed the necessity of Iran�s participation in the peace conference.
The conference is scheduled to be held in Switzerland in two parts. On January 22, the opening session of the event will be in the Swiss city of Montreux and then it will be moved to the UN office in Geneva on January 24.
Saqib Akbar expressing his views said that some western powers are against the participation of Iran in conference on Syria because they don�t want peace to be restored to the Arab state.
Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against the Syrian police, border guards, statesmen, army and civilians being reported across the country.
Saqib Akbar said that Bashar al-Assad is ready to accept any formula to restore peace to Syria but the terrorists are rejecting all solutions for peace in the Arab state.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon called on the US to put aside its opposition to Iran�s participation in the upcoming Geneva II conference on Syria.
Saqib Akbar said that the purpose of the Geneva II conference is to remove the concerns of Zionist Regime and some Arab states as they are not happy with US decision of not launching a military strike on Syria.
The analyst went on to say Iran has always played a positive role in restoring peace to Syria and any conference on Syria will bear no positive results without Iran�s participation.
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