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Iran’s oil-market realities: How buyers are positioning for U.S. sanctions

16 Aug 2018 - 14:01

Bloomberg |  Irene Garcia Perez:  In November, U.S. sanctions on Iran are due to enter into force that could drive down the Persian Gulf nation’s exports and upend the global oil market. There are already signs that it will be harder for the country to export, as some international insurers stop covering shipments.

The U.S. measures require buyers to cut purchases or run the risk of their banks being excluded from the American financial system. If they do scale back, then there’s a risk of spiraling crude prices. President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, says waivers from sanctions on buying Iranian oil will be “few and far between”.

The U.S. says it will persuade countries which currently buy Iranian oil to cut imports by as much as 1 million barrels a day when  the sanctions take effect in early November. While this would be a significant reduction in Iran’s crude sales, it is far less severe than the Trump administration’s previously stated aim of halting all sales of Iranian crude.

Meanwhile, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says European countries, which are party to the Iran nuclear deal, have held talks separately with other countries to lobby them to continue buying Iranian oil.

But the looming threat of sanctions has already started to have an impact on Iran’s oil business. The Islamic republic’s crude outflows have fallen and it is having to rely more on its own fleet of tankers to carry oil to its customers, according to ship-tracking data compiled by Bloomberg. Iran has responded by lowering the sales price for its light crude for delivery in September to the cheapest level in 14 years.
Iranian Crude Outflows

Destination of exports by share

A summary of the main Iranian oil importers’ reactions and positions is set out below. Observed flows and exports are from tanker tracking data compiled by Bloomberg. To calculate what that equates to as a share of each country’s overall purchases, import data from the Riyadh-based Joint Organisations Data Initiative were used.



South Korea


United Arab Emirates

European Union






Story Code: 314802

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