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Rouhani: Iran determined to expand ties with Armenia

24 Jan 2016 - 23:05

Tehran, Jan 24, IRNA – Iran and Armenia have broad potentials for expansion of relations and cooperation to secure both nations' interests, President Hassan Rouhani said in a phone conversation with his Armenian counterpart on Sunday.

'Implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is an appropriate opportunity for strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation and Iran and Armenia have broad facilities for expansion of cooperation, which will be used in the new period in favor of the two nations,' said President Rouhani.

Appreciating President Serzh Sargsyan for his congratulation message of the occasion of implementation of the JCPOA, President Rouhani said that the friendly and intimate relations between Iran and Armenia, as two Muslim and Christian nations, are symbol and model for good neighborly ties.

The Iranian president said that Tehran is determined to expand bilateral ties; the decisions made by the joint economic commission need to be implemented, and all existing capacities for further expansion of ties need to be utilized.

'Iran and Armenia must use all their potentials to join the Persian Gulf and the Black Sea during the post-JCPOA period in which the way for economic relations between our two countries is further paved,' said President Rouhani.

The Armenian President congratulated implementation of the JCPOA to the Iranian nation and government on behalf of his nation and government.

'The implementation of JCPOA is a very good news for our bilateral relations, and very useful and beneficial for the entire region as well.'
He said that Armenia favors comprehensive relations with Iran and asks for accelerating the further expansion on our bilateral cooperation.
President Sargsyan meanwhile referred to the decisions adopted for expansion of bilateral cooperation during the recent Iran-Armenia Joint Economic Commission, asking for speedy implementation of the decisions.

Despite religious and ideological differences, relations between Armenia and the Islamic Republic of Iran remain cordial and both Armenia and Iran are strategic partners in the region.

There are no border disputes between the two countries and the Christian Armenian minority in Iran, amongst the largest and oldest communities in the world, enjoys official recognition.

Of special importance is the cooperation in the field of energy security which lowers Armenia's dependence on Russia and can in the future also supply Iranian gas to Europe through Georgia and the Black Sea.


Story Code: 198398

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